Saturday, June 8, 2013

How To Create An Ebook Cover In Publisher

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1.      Open a new document in Publisher.
Please note: This tutorial was done in Publisher 2010. The navigation process may vary in other editions.

2.     Select  the Page design tab. Select  the size tab and scroll down and select the 5.827 X 8.268 page option.

3.      Select the insert tab. Select the picture tab or clip art. **For this exercise, use the clip art tab and select a picture. Re-size the picture to fill out the entire 5.827 X 8.268 page. 

Please Note: This tutorial uses one photo. If you want to use two or more photos you will have to use another program.

4.   Select the Wordart tab. Choose a style of lettering.

A dialog box will pop up. Choose the font and type the title of your book. Select okay.

Please note: All text should be in the 0.5 away from the margin area.

**The font I choose has a shadow effect. It can be removed by selecting the shadow effects tab. Select No shadow effect.

**Use the same method in step 4 to add the author’s name.

5. When you have finished the cover, select the background picture, hold down the control key and select the title and authors name. Then, save the file as a JPEG. Also, save a copy of the publisher file, you may need to make adjustments based on the online retail stores system. 

Please note: Any changes made to a picture will change the dpi. The finished cover should be 300 dpi. You will have to change it in a photo editor program.

Once you have mastered the navigation aspect of the task, you will be able to create a cover in less than 15 minutes.   

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